Sol Melodics 探索了基于合成器的嘻哈、陷阱和万花筒 RnB 的天文氛围。轻柔明亮的旋律与歌曲起始器、大脑合成器和重新采样的电子乐器融合在一起。以打击垫、钢琴、弹拨、arps、和弦等形式发现空间旋律循环。这个包将带您进入另一个灵感维度。
X10 Sol Melodics Trap & RnB In Space WAV HiDERA |Samples, instruments, loops| 449 MB
Sol Melodics explores the astro vibes of synth-based hip-hop, trap, and kaleidoscopic RnB. Gentle and bright melodics fuse with songstarters, cerebral synths, and resampled electronic instruments. Discovery spacey melodic loops in the form of pads, piano, plucks, arps, chords, & more. This pack will launch you into another dimension of inspiration.

