Sony MediaSoftware Ma Ja Le Chromosphere Electronic Imprints and Astrobeats ACiD WAV
Ma Ja Lé 以精美的电子印记和天文拍系列返回,这是继精湛的以太坊纹理库之后的第二个产品。和声波考古学家一样,马贾·勒回收的声音被认为是永远迷失在时空。



- 255 (496 MB) 原始,免版税的 WAV 文件。
Sony MediaSoftware Ma Ja Le Chromosphere Electronic Imprints and Astrobeats ACiD WAV-ALFiSO Samples| 476.70 MB
Ma Ja Lé return in fine form with the Electronic Imprints and Astrobeats collection, their second offering following the superb Ethereal Textures library. Like sonic archeologists, Ma Ja Lé recover sounds thought to be forever lost in time and space.

Ancestral rhythms, noises from inside the sun, and cryptic messages beamed over thousands of light years are captured and cataloged here in this mood-altering construction kit. Intense percussion loops, disintegrating analog instruments, forbidden Theremin transmissions, solarized electric guitars, and more are presented with the awesome fidelity and advanced production techniques that define the current state of the Ma Ja Lé sound.

This collection is an extremely effective one-stop scoring tool, as well as a great resource for sweetening tracks in almost any modern music genre.

- 255 (496 MB) original, royalty-free WAV files.

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