从新手到专业人士的 Excel 掌握完整指南


函数专业知识:使用真实世界的数据集,练习基本的 Excel 函数,如 MIN、MAX、COUNTIF 和高级公式,包括 SUMIFS 和 XLOOKUP。


Excel 加载项和工具包:使用功能强大的加载项解锁 Excel 中的新功能,使您能够轻松执行复杂的统计分析。

主页选项卡精通:了解如何自信地导航和使用 Excel 界面。

从掌握剪贴板的复制和粘贴到使用格式 pa

了解如何将 MIN、MAX、COUNTIF、SUMIF、VLOOKUP 和 XLOOKUP 等函数与真实数据集结合使用,以有效地管理和分析数据。










关于讲师本课程由教练和数据分析师Kingsley Agbo出版,教授数据分析技术,MS Excel,Power Query,Microsoft Power BI,课程平均超过4.7星(满分5星)。

无论您是想提高专业技能、提高工作效率,还是释放数据分析的全部潜力,本课程都旨在为您提供深厚的知识和实践经验。初学者级别主页选项卡精通:从深入了解界面和基本操作开始您的 Excel 之旅。


了解如何使用格式绘制器进行高效编辑并快速应用格式样式。Excel 字体格式:发现各种文本格式选项,包括字体样式、大小和颜色,以使您的数据清晰易懂。边框和方向:了解如何为数据添加边框以提高可读性,以及如何使用文本方向来改善电子表格的外观。对齐方式:练习在单元格中对齐数据以获得专业外观,并学习合并和换行文本以获得更好的数据可视化效果。数据类型:了解 Excel 中的不同数据类型(文本、数字、日期和时间)以及如何格式化和操作每种数据类型。主题和样式:应用预设的主题和样式,使工作簿具有一致、精美的外观。单元格格式和编辑:了解如何根据需要调整行和列的大小、调整单元格的高度和宽度以及插入或删除行和列。插入选项卡技能:通过合并各种元素来提升您的数据呈现技能:表格:学习创建和格式化表格以有效管理数据。插图:使用图片、形状、图标、SmartArt、屏幕截图和 3D 模型增强电子表格。图表和图形:了解如何创建不同类型的图表以有效地可视化数据,从条形图和折线图到更复杂的数据。筛选器和切片器:了解如何筛选数据以进行快速分析,并使用切片器进行交互式数据分割。方程式和符号:插入数学方程式和特殊符号以改进数据表示。迷你图和超链接:使用迷你图可视化单元格内的数据趋势,使用超链接连接到网页或其他文档。页面布局要点:准备好工作簿以进行打印和演示:主题:在工作簿中应用一致的设计元素。页面设置:调整页面方向、大小和页边距以优化打印布局。缩放和调整:缩放打印输出以适合特定页面,并调整网格线和标题以获得干净、专业的外观。公式基础:掌握基本公式,Excel的骨干:逻辑公式:使用IF、AND和OR等逻辑函数进行条件计算。财务公式:了解基本财务功能,以便进行利率和年金等简单计算。文本公式:使用 LEN、UPPER、LOWER、CONCAT 和 PROPER 等函数操作文本。查找和引用公式:了解如何使用 VLOOKUP 和 HLOOKUP 等函数高效搜索和检索数据。公式审核和计算:了解公式依赖关系,并使用公式审核工具对计算进行故障排除和优化。数据管理基础知识:了解如何更有效地处理数据:数据源和连接:连接到外部数据源并无缝管理数据连接。排序和筛选:通过排序和筛选来组织数据,以快速查找相关信息。数据操作工具:使用“文本到列”和“快速填充”等数据操作功能来清理和调整数据。Data Toolkit:探索数据工具,如删除重复项和分组,以有效地管理数据。预测和预测工具:了解如何使用预测和趋势线等工具进行预测分析。查询和连接:了解如何使用查询进行高级数据管理并集成来自各种来源的数据。查看选项卡工具:增强数据协作和演示:数据校对:使用拼写检查和数据验证等功能来确保数据准确性。辅助功能:通过使用辅助功能(如替代文本和高对比度样式)使所有用户都可以访问工作簿。语言翻译功能:将工作簿中的内容翻译成多种语言,以便更好地访问。注释和见解:添加用于协作的注释,并浏览用于 AI 支持的数据分析的 Excel Insights。Excel 安全和保护:使用密码保护和其他安全功能保护您的数据。视图选项卡掌握:优化 Excel 工作区工作簿视图:在不同的视图(如普通视图、页面布局和分页符预览)之间切换,以增强工作体验。工作簿显示:自定义工作簿中可见的内容,例如隐藏或显示编辑栏、网格线和标题。冻结和解冻功能:冻结和解冻窗格,使特定行或列在滚动时保持可见。缩放功能和快捷键:调整缩放级别以提高可读性,并学习键盘快捷键以快速导航。Windows Profiling:有效地组织和管理多个 Excel 窗口。中级:功能专长:使用真实世界的数据集练习基本的 Excel 函数:MIN 和 MAX:查找数据范围内的最小值和最大值。COUNTIF 和 COUNTIFS:使用这些函数根据特定条件对单元格进行计数。XLOOKUP:掌握新的 XLOOKUP 函数以执行更动态的查找SUMIF 和 SUMIFS:使用这些函数根据特定条件计算总和。VLOOKUP 和 HLOOKUP:加深对查找函数及其应用的理解数据透视表熟练程度:学习设置和自定义数据透视表:启动数据透视表:创建数据透视表并操作数据以进行高效分析。布局和方向:自定义数据透视表布局和方向,以获得清晰的数据见解。数据输入和计算列:在数据透视表中添加数据并创建计算列。使用数据透视的条件格式:在数据透视表中应用条件格式以进行动态数据呈现。公式和引用:熟练使用引用:绝对引用:了解如何使用绝对引用来保持单元格引用恒定。相对参考:了解如何使用相对参考进行动态计算。条件格式:增强数据可视化和分析:突出显示 规则:应用规则以根据 conditions.Top/Bottom 突出显示数据 规则:识别区域中的顶部和底部值。数据条、色阶和图标集:使用各种条件格式工具可视化数据。新规则和自定义规则:为目标数据格式创建自定义规则。图表和图形插图:掌握不同类型的图表:柱形图、条形图、折线图、饼图和面积图:创建和自定义各种图表以进行数据可视化。切片器:使用切片器进行交互式数据筛选和可视化。高级:Excel 加载项和工具包:使用强大的加载项增强 Excel 功能:数据分析工具包:使用回归和假设检验等高级功能执行复杂的数据分析。统计分析:应用统计分析技术获得数据驱动的见解。相关性、回归和描述性统计:使用高级工具分析数据趋势和模式。开发人员工具和数据项目:扩展 Excel 功能:开发人员选项卡:使用宏自动执行重复性任务并生成自定义函数。数据分析项目:使用高级 Excel 功能参与实践项目,以解决现实世界的问题。为什么要注册?互动学习:参与每个级别的动手练习和真实世界的场景,确保您获得实践经验。专家讲师:向经验丰富的 Excel 专业人员学习,他们提供个性化的指导和见解。综合课程:从基本的 Excel 技能到高级数据分析和自动化技术的进步。提升您的职业生涯:通过适用于各个领域的宝贵 Excel 技能提升您的简历和职业前景。社区支持:加入一个由志同道合的学习者和专业人士组成的网络,分享知识并就项目进行协作。在本课程结束时,您将成为一名 Excel 专家,能够应对复杂的数据挑战、简化工作流程并提高您的生产力。

立即加入我们,释放 Excel 的全部潜力!在本课中,我附上了快捷方式和简单的提示,以在Excel中自动执行功能。



第 1 部分:Microsoft Excel 课程介绍

第一讲 课程概述

第 2 部分:初学者级别


第 3 讲:主页功能区和功能

第 4 讲:插入选项卡

第五讲 页面布局

第六讲 公式

第 7 讲:数据选项卡


第 9 讲 “查看”选项卡

第 10 讲:开发人员选项卡

第三节 中级

讲座 11 分钟, 最大, 计数, 计数, Xlook Up

第 12 讲 SumIf, SumIfs

第13讲:Vlook Up

第14讲 抬头看


第 16 讲:Excel 参考资料

第 17 讲:条件格式

第18讲 图表




第 4 部分:高级

第 22 讲:插件和数据分析工具包

第23讲 统计分析

对于任何有兴趣了解 MS Excel 原理及其工作原理的人
Microsoft Excel: Beginners To Advance Excel Crash Course
Published 5/2024
MP4 | Video: h264, 1920x1080 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
Language: English | Size: 2.11 GB | Duration: 3h 20m

The Complete Guide for Excel Mastery from Novice to Professional

What you'll learn
Function Expertise: With real-world datasets, practice essential Excel functions like MIN, MAX, COUNTIF, and advanced formulas including SUMIFS and XLOOKUP.
Pivot Table Proficiency: Learn how to set up and customize pivot tables, create calculated columns, and apply conditional formatting for advanced data insights.
Excel Add-Ins and Tool Pack: Unlock new functionalities in Excel using powerful add-ins, enabling you to perform complex statistical analyses with ease.
Home Tab Mastery: Learn how to navigate and utilize the Excel interface with confidence. From mastering copy and paste with the clipboard to using the format pa
Learn how to use functions like MIN, MAX, COUNTIF, SUMIF, VLOOKUP, and XLOOKUP with real datasets to manage and analyze data effectively.
Data Management: Gain proficiency in sorting and filtering data, working with data manipulation tools, and using data connections. You'll also explore forecast
Page Layout and Design: Understand how to set up your pages with scaling, gridlines, and headings for printing and presentation purposes. Learn to customize the
Charts and Graphs: Create various chart types, including column, bar, line, pie, and area charts, to present data in an engaging and informative manner.
Statistical Analysis: Apply statistical functions to derive insights from your data.
Data Analysis Tool Pack: Analyze data using built-in statistical and analytical functions.

No Coding Experience required. Just Dedication and Attention

ABOUT THE INSTRUCTORThis course is published by Kingsley Agbo- a Coach and data analyst, teaching data analysis techniques, MS Excel, Power Query, Microsoft Power BI, with courses average over 4.7 stars out of 5.ABOUT THE COURSEEmbark on a comprehensive journey through the world of Excel, designed to elevate you from a novice user to an advanced expert. Whether you're seeking to improve your professional skills, enhance your productivity, or unlock the full potential of data analysis, this course is crafted to offer you deep knowledge and hands-on experience.Beginners LevelHome Tab Mastery: Begin your Excel journey with a deep dive into the interface and essential operations. Learn to navigate the workbook and worksheet effectively, and master copy and paste functionality using the clipboard. Understand how to use the format painter for efficient editing and quickly apply formatting styles.Excel Fonts Formatting: Discover the various text formatting options, including font styles, sizes, and colors, to make your data clear and presentable.Borders and Orientation: Learn how to add borders to your data for better readability and use text orientation to improve the appearance of your spreadsheets.Alignment: Practice aligning your data in cells for a professional look and learn to merge and wrap text for better data visualization.Data Types: Understand the different data types in Excel—text, numbers, dates, and times—and how to format and manipulate each one.Themes and Styles: Apply pre-set themes and styles to give your workbooks a consistent, polished look.Cell Formatting and Editing: Discover how to resize rows and columns, adjust cell heights, and widths, and insert or delete rows and columns as needed.Insert Tab Skills: Elevate your data presentation skills by incorporating various elements:Tables: Learn to create and format tables to manage data effectively.Illustrations: Enhance your spreadsheets with pictures, shapes, icons, SmartArt, screenshots, and 3D models.Charts and Graphs: Understand how to create different types of charts to visualize data effectively, from bar and line charts to more complex ones.Filters and Slicers: Learn to filter data for quick analysis and use slicers for interactive data segmentation.Equations and Symbols: Insert mathematical equations and special symbols to improve data representation.Sparklines and Hyperlinks: Use sparklines to visualize data trends within a cell and hyperlinks to connect to web pages or other documents.Page Layout Essentials: Get your workbooks ready for print and presentation:Themes: Apply consistent design elements across your workbook.Page Setup: Adjust page orientation, size, and margins to optimize print layout.Scaling and Adjustments: Scale your printouts to fit specific pages and adjust gridlines and headings for a clean, professional look.Formula Fundamentals: Master basic formulas, the backbone of Excel:Logical Formula: Use logical functions like IF, AND, and OR to perform conditional calculations.Financial Formula: Understand basic financial functions for simple calculations like interest rates and annuities.Text Formula: Manipulate text with functions like LEN, UPPER, LOWER, CONCAT, and PROPER.Look up and Reference Formula: Learn how to use functions like VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP to search and retrieve data efficiently.Formula Auditing and Calculation: Understand formula dependencies and use the formula auditing tools to troubleshoot and optimize calculations.Data Management Basics: Learn to work with data more effectively:Data Sources and Connections: Connect to external data sources and manage data connections seamlessly.Sort and Filter: Organize data with sorting and filtering to quickly find relevant information.Data Manipulation Tools: Use data manipulation functions like Text to Columns and Flash Fill to clean and reshape data.Data Toolkit: Explore data tools like Remove Duplicates and Grouping to manage data efficiently.Forecast and Predictive Tools: Learn to use tools like forecasting and trend lines for predictive analysis.Queries and Connections: Understand how to use queries for advanced data management and integrate data from various sources.Review Tab Tools: Enhance data collaboration and presentation:Data Proofing: Use features like spell check and data validation to ensure data accuracy.Accessibility: Make your workbook accessible to all users by using accessibility features like alternative text and high contrast styles.Language Translate Feature: Translate content in your workbook to multiple languages for better accessibility.Comments and Insights: Add comments for collaboration and explore Excel Insights for AI powered data analysis.Excel Security and Protect: Secure your data with password protection and other security features.View Tab Mastery: Optimize your Excel workspaceWorkbook Views: Switch between different views like Normal, Page Layout, and Page Break Preview for an enhanced working experience.Workbook Shows: Customize what is visible in your workbook, such as hiding or showing formula bar, gridlines, and headings.Freeze and Unfreeze Feature: Freeze and unfreeze panes to keep specific rows or columns visible as you scroll.Zoom Features and Shortcuts: Adjust zoom levels for better readability and learn keyboard shortcuts for quick navigation.Windows Profiling: Organize and manage multiple Excel windows effectively.Intermediate Level:Function Expertise: Practice essential Excel functions with real world datasets:MIN and MAX: Find the minimum and maximum values in a data range.COUNTIF and COUNTIFS: Use these functions to count cells based on specific criteria.XLOOKUP: Master the new XLOOKUP function to perform more dynamic lookupsSUMIF and SUMIFS: Calculate sums based on specific conditions using these functions.VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP: Deepen your understanding of lookup functions and their applicationsPivot Table Proficiency: Learn to set up and customize pivot tables:Launching Pivot Table: Create pivot tables and manipulate data for efficient analysis.Layout and Orientations: Customize pivot table layout and orientations for clear data insights.Data Entry and Calculated Columns: Add data and create calculated columns within pivot tables.Conditional Formatting with Pivots: Apply conditional formatting within pivot tables for dynamic data presentation.Formula and References: Gain proficiency in using references:Absolute References: Understand how to use absolute references to keep cell references constant.Relative References: Learn to use relative references for dynamic calculations.Conditional Formatting: Enhance data visualization and analysis:Highlight Rules: Apply rules to highlight data based on conditions.Top/Bottom Rules: Identify top and bottom values in a range.Data Bars, Colour Scales, and Icon Sets: Visualize data using various conditional formatting tools.New Rules and Custom Rules: Create custom rules for targeted data formatting.Charts and Graphical Illustration: Master different types of charts:Column, Bar, Line, Pie, and Area Charts: Create and customize various charts for data visualization.Slicers: Use slicers for interactive data filtering and visualization.Advanced Level:Excel Add-ins and Tool Packs: Enhance Excel functionality with powerful add-ins:Data Analysis Tool Pack: Perform complex data analysis using advanced functions like regression and hypothesis testing.Statistical Analysis: Apply statistical analysis techniques for data driven insights.Correlation, Regression, and Descriptive Statistics: Use advanced tools to analyze data trends and patterns.Developer Tools and Data Projects: Expand your Excel capabilities:Developer Tab: Automate repetitive tasks with macros and build custom functions.Data Analysis Projects: Engage in hands-on projects using advanced Excel features to solve real world problems.Why Enroll?Interactive Learning: Engage in hands on exercises and real-world scenarios at each level, ensuring you gain practical experience.Expert Instructors: Learn from experienced Excel professionals who provide personalized guidance and insights.Comprehensive Curriculum: Progress from basic Excel skills to advanced data analysis and automation techniques.Boost Your Career: Enhance your resume and career prospects with valuable Excel skills applicable in various fields.Community Support: Join a network of likeminded learners and professionals to share knowledge and collaborate on projects.By the end of this course, you will be an Excel expert, capable of tackling complex data challenges, streamlining workflows, and boosting your productivity. Join us today and unlock the full potential of Excel!I attached the shortcuts and easy prompts to automate functions in Excel in this Lesson. Keep Learning and don't hesitate to contact me if you need any Clarity.

Section 1: Microsoft Excel Course Introduction

Lecture 1 Overview of the Course

Section 2: Beginners Level

Lecture 2 Excel Interface

Lecture 3 Home Ribbon and Features

Lecture 4 Insert Tab

Lecture 5 Page Layout

Lecture 6 Formulas

Lecture 7 Data Tab

Lecture 8 Review

Lecture 9 View Tab

Lecture 10 Developers Tab

Section 3: Intermediate Level

Lecture 11 Min, Max, Count, CountIfs, Xlook Up

Lecture 12 SumIf, SumIfs

Lecture 13 Vlook Up

Lecture 14 Hlook Up

Lecture 15 Pivot Table

Lecture 16 Excel References

Lecture 17 Conditional Formatting

Lecture 18 Charts and Graphs

Lecture 19 Slicers

Lecture 20 Named Ranges

Lecture 21 Excel Hyperlinks

Section 4: Advanced Level

Lecture 22 Add Ins and Data Analysis Tool Pack

Lecture 23 Statistical Analysis

For anyone that is interested in understanding MS Excel Principles and How it works
