

• 参考文献完整指南:了解如何有效地使用参考文献来清晰准确地开始您的项目。

• 灰盒和环境光遮蔽:从一开始就使用灰盒技术和环境光遮蔽学习正确设置场景的基础知识。

• 天空纹理照明:掌握使用 Blender 的天空纹理实现动态逼真的照明效果。

• 渐进式建模技能:从简单到高级技术发展您的建模技能,适合任何经验水平。

• 程式化的美学创作:实现程式化的外观,捕捉幻想和魅力的精髓。

• 门窗:学习创建功能性和美观的门窗的特定技术。

• 复杂灯具:构建详细的灯具,为您的场景增添个性和光线。

• 结构化建筑技术:在建筑时要考虑到结构,在风格化的框架内平衡现实元素。

• 通过建筑讲故事:了解如何为您的建筑注入引人入胜和引人入胜的叙事。

• 布料生成器使用:使用布料生成器创建动态旗帜和其他布料元素。

• 精确的楼梯:设计既美观又合理放置的楼梯。

• 常春藤创作:添加常春藤等自然元素,增强巫师塔的古老外观。

• 轻松雕刻地形:使用 Blender 的雕刻工具简化地形创建过程。

• 复杂UV展开:应对复杂UV和弯曲UV展开的挑战。

• 草和花:用细致的草和花创造郁郁葱葱、充满活力的景观。

• 地形顶点绘制:学习如何使用顶点绘制技术绘制详细的地形。

• 鹅卵石人行道:开发大气的鹅卵石小径,增加场景的深度。

• 高级着色器技术:应用着色器并对其进行故障排除,为您的模型带来真实感和风格。

• 建模问题解决:讨论常见问题,如正常方向和 ngons 的使用。

• 专业建模技术:通过专业的技巧和窍门提高您的工作流程和模型质量。

• 构图深入研究:探索先进的构图技术,以有效地布局您的场景。

• 全面的合成器细分:Blender 合成器中的主分层和 alpha。

• 发射照明:了解如何使用发射着色器创造性地照亮场景。

• 资源包利用率:将海量资源包集成到您的项目中,增强您的创意工具包。

• 资产管理器熟练程度:全面了解 Blender 资产管理器及其应用。

• 使用 Eevee 和 Cycles 进行渲染:使用 Blender 的渲染引擎实现令人惊叹的视觉效果,并优化性能。

• 接缝和锐器掌握:在建模过程中最大限度地使用接缝和锐器。

• 高效的场景管理:使用 Blender 的收集系统快速组织和整理您的场景。

• 修改器指南:浏览 Blender 最有用的修改器,并学习如何有效地应用它们。

• 几何节点精通:利用自定义几何节点来增强您的模型和场景。



• 下载 Blender


• 对 3D 建模、游戏艺术和照明的渴望和兴奋,让您的作品集更上一层楼


介绍:“Blender 4:建模和几何节点研讨会”!准备好踏上我们今年最新、最迷人的课程的神奇旅程。

通过40小时的综合指南,深入了解奇幻建筑的神秘世界,重点是使用Blender 4建造巫师塔。Blender 4: Modeling and Geometry Node Workshop“将引导您创建一座风格化的巫师塔,并配有宁静的池塘和古老的石桥。Master Fantasy Architecture with Blender 4: Modeling and Geometry Node Workshop本课程旨在将您带入一个强大的奥术力量塑造这个魔法结构基础的领域,非常适合正在接受训练的巫师或经验丰富的魔法使用者。以下是“Blender 4:建模和几何节点工作坊”的神奇之处:奇幻叙事的基础:从学习如何有效地使用参考资料来规划你的巫师塔开始,确保每个尖顶和门口都有助于奥术精通的整体叙事。分步灰盒和照明:尽早确定塔楼的基本形状和照明,为复杂的细节设计奠定坚实的基础。渐进式技能提升:从适合初学者的方法到高级专业技术,在整个课程中战略性地提升您的建模技能。

学习创造简单而迷人的元素,如门和墙壁,推进到更复杂的结构,如蜿蜒的楼梯和华丽的灯具。掌握几何节点:利用随附的独特几何节点包,为您的塔楼添加迷人的建筑细节和神奇元素。着色器和纹理魔法:探索着色器开发的艺术,使将塔笼罩在神秘和魔法中的纹理栩栩如生。雕刻神奇的风景:学习雕刻塔楼周围地形的简单技术,增强奇幻环境。自然元素的重量绘画:了解如何使用重量绘画在塔楼场地周围创建郁郁葱葱、逼真的草地。详细地形的顶点绘画:亲身体验顶点绘画,为构成巫师居所基础的景观增加深度和真实感。合成以动画化场景:深入研究 Blender 中的合成,为您的场景注入活力,确保它们讲述一个充满神秘魅力和古老力量的故事。完整的场景开发:从概念化到最终渲染,开发一个完整的场景,囊括巫师魔法训练场的精神。“Blender 4: Modeling and Geometry Node Workshop”的主要特点:魔法巫师塔 创建:建造一座高耸的尖顶和神奇的门刺穿天空的塔,周围环绕着神秘的池塘和石桥,邀请好奇者进一步探索。广泛的资源包:访问各种资源,包括定制的几何节点、着色器和纹理贴图。

了解如何将这些工具无缝集成到您的神奇创作中。结构化学习路径:遵循精心策划的路径,指导您从 3D 建模的基础知识到复杂的专业技术,确保学习曲线满足所有技能水平。真实和奇幻的创新技术:掌握先进的摄像机设置、照明策略和合成技术,以增强场景的氛围效果和叙事效果。互动和实践练习:参与动手练习,鼓励您在实际环境中应用所学知识,增强您的信心和能力。建造巫师塔的分步指南凭借其古朴的多塔楼塔楼、温暖的发光窗户和异想天开的蜿蜒楼梯,本课程旨在解开创建看起来像是从故事书中摘下来的结构的秘密。Blender 4 简介和课程·Blender 界面概述和课程目标。想象一个浮岛,郁郁葱葱的绿色植物迸发出生命力,勾勒出一个宁静的池塘,反射着湛蓝的天空.2.基础建模·对塔楼和周围元素进行灰盒化。建立初始照明和氛围。在这里,鲜花盛开,色彩缤纷,鹅卵石小径邀请您漫步在悬浮在天空中的超凡脱俗的静修处.3.高级建模技术·创建详细的建筑特色,如楼梯和华丽的灯具。功能性和美学门窗的技术.4.高级几何节点技术5.利用自定义节点获取架构细节.6.动态创建岩石和草地等环境元素.7. 着色器和纹理开发·为水、石头和木材等各种材质开发着色器。纹理绘画,增强真实感和细节.8.雕刻与地形·创建逼真的地形和景观的技术。自然植物的顶点和重量绘画.9.环境故事讲述·整合元素,通过建筑讲述故事。设计时要考虑到叙事性以吸引观众.10.合成和场景定型·使用 Blender 的合成器添加最后的润色。最佳输出的渲染设置。您的“Blender 4:建模和几何节点创意工坊”巫师的塔楼场景将包括:一座宏伟的塔楼:这座塔楼主宰着景观,设有装饰着神秘符号的互动门,并收藏了一系列古代书籍和手工艺品。






地面上覆盖着美丽的程式化草地和鲜艳的花朵,每个叶片和花瓣都经过艺术制作,为巫师的秘密避风港增添了色彩和生命。资源包使用我们的综合资源包释放您的 3D 项目的全部潜力,免费包含在“Blender 4:建模和几何节点研讨会”中。

该包包含 14 个不同的着色器、10 个独特的树木模型、广泛的草地和水包、各种类型的树叶、人类参考和 8 个有价值的几何节点,用于创建从程式化岩石到错综复杂的鹅卵石路径的所有内容。总结一下通过我们的分步说明,您将学习如何:·以独特的半木结构为风格化的中世纪建筑建模。创建充满活力的植物生态系统,为您的场景注入活力。设计投射空灵光芒的照明,将您的模型变成温暖的灯塔。应用纹理和材质,为您的奇幻创作带来一丝真实感。“Blender 4:建模和几何节点工作坊”中精心设计的场景不仅教你高级3D建模所需的技术技能,还让你沉浸在创造一个讲述神秘和魔法故事的奇幻环境的艺术中。它是通往奇幻建筑和讲故事世界的门户。

扮演巫师建筑师,让一个不仅视觉上令人惊叹,而且充满魔法知识的建筑栩栩如生。准备好用你的光标施展法术,用你的创造力编织魔法!直到我们下一次神奇的邂逅,祝大家建模愉快,尼尔 – 3D 帝舵

• 有抱负的奇幻建筑师:对奇幻和神秘场景充满热情的梦想家,热衷于使用 Blender 4 在奇幻环境中掌握 3D 建模和环境创建的艺术。

• 3D 建模师和视觉艺术家:经验丰富的艺术家和初学者,他们希望提高他们在建模、纹理映射和环境叙事方面的技能,尤其是在奇幻类型中。

• 游戏设计师和开发人员:游戏行业专业人士和独立开发者,有兴趣使用基于几何节点的建模和程序纹理为游戏创建详细、身临其境的奇幻环境。

• 动画和视觉特效专业人员:希望将先进的 3D 建模和场景构建技术融入其工作流程的动画师和视觉效果艺术家。

• 教育工作者和学术专业人士:教授 3D 建模、游戏设计或数字艺术的讲师和教授,寻找有关使用 Blender 4 最新工具的深入材料。

• DIY 爱好者和业余爱好者:喜欢将构建和可视化魔法世界作为消遣的业余爱好者和 DIY 创作者。
Blender 4 Modeling and Geometry Node Workshop
Published 4/2024
Created by 3D Tudor
MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2 Ch
Genre: eLearning | Language: English | Duration: 154 Lectures ( 29h 7m ) | Size: 28 GB

3D creation of a stylized wizard's tower, complete with a serene pond and an ancient stone bridge.

What you'll learn:
• Referencing Complete Guide: Understand how to effectively use references to begin your projects with clarity and precision.
• Greyboxing and Ambient Occlusion: Learn the fundamentals of setting up your scene correctly from the start using greyboxing techniques and ambient occlusion.
• Sky Texture Lighting: Master the use of Blender’s sky texture for dynamic and realistic lighting effects.
• Progressive Modeling Skills: Develop your modelling skills from simple to advanced techniques, suitable for any level of experience.
• Stylized Aesthetic Creation: Achieve a stylized look that captures the essence of fantasy and enchantment.
• Windows and Doors: Learn specific techniques for creating functional and aesthetic windows and doors.
• Complex Lamps: Construct detailed lamps that add character and light to your scenes.
• Structured Building Techniques: Build with structure in mind, balancing realistic elements within a stylized framework.
• Storytelling through Architecture: Discover how to infuse your buildings with narratives that engage and intrigue.
• Cloth Generator Usage: Use the cloth generator to create dynamic flags and other fabric elements.
• Precise Staircases: Design staircases that are both beautiful and logically placed.
• Ivy Creation: Add natural elements like ivy that enhance the aged look of your wizard's tower.
• Terrain Sculpting Made Easy: Simplify the process of terrain creation using Blender’s sculpting tools.
• Complex UV Unwrapping: Tackle the challenges of unwrapping complex and curved UVs.
• Grass and Flowers: Create lush, vibrant landscapes with detailed grass and flowers.
• Vertex Painting for Terrains: Learn how to paint detailed terrains using vertex painting techniques.
• Cobblestone Walkways: Develop atmospheric cobblestone paths that add depth to your scenes.
• Advanced Shader Techniques: Apply and troubleshoot shaders to bring realism and flair to your models.
• Modelling Problem-Solving: Discuss common issues like normal directions and the use of ngons.
• Professional Modeling Techniques: Enhance your workflow and model quality with professional tips and tricks.
• Composition Deep Dive: Explore advanced composition techniques to lay out your scenes effectively.
• Comprehensive Compositor Breakdown: Master layering and alphas in the Blender compositor.
• Emission Lighting: Learn how to creatively light scenes using emission shaders.
• Resource Pack Utilization: Integrate a massive resource pack into your projects, enhancing your creative toolkit.
• Asset Manager Proficiency: Get a thorough understanding of the Blender asset manager and its application.
• Rendering with Eevee and Cycles: Achieve stunning visuals with Blender’s rendering engines, optimizing for performance.
• Seams and Sharps Mastery: Maximize the use of seams and sharps in your modelling process.
• Efficient Scene Management: Organize and tidy up your scenes rapidly with Blender’s collection system.
• Modifier Guide: Navigate through Blender’s most useful modifiers and learn how to apply them effectively.
• Geometry Node Mastery: Utilize custom geometry nodes to enhance your models and scenes.

• To own a computer (Microsoft, Linux or Mac)
• To have downloaded Blender
• The course is designed for all levels, so no previous experience in Blender or 3D modelling is necessary
• A thirst to learn and excitement about 3D modelling, game art, and lighting to take your portfolio to the next level

Introducing: 'Blender 4: Modeling and Geometry Node Workshop'!Get ready to embark on a magical journey with our newest and most enchanting course of the year. Dive deep into the mystical world of fantasy architecture with a 40-hour comprehensive guide focused on building a wizard's tower using Blender 4.'Blender 4: Modeling and Geometry Node Workshop' will guide you through the creation of a stylized wizard's tower, complete with a serene pond and an ancient stone bridge.Master Fantasy Architecture with Blender 4: Modeling and Geometry Node WorkshopThis course is designed to transport you into a realm where powerful arcane forces shape the very foundations of this magical structure, ideal for sorcerers in training or seasoned magic wielders.Here's what makes 'Blender 4: Modeling and Geometry Node Workshop' magical:Foundation of Fantasy Storytelling: Start with learning how to effectively use references to plan your wizard tower, ensuring every spire and doorway contributes to the overall narrative of arcane mastery.Step-by-Step Greyboxing and Lighting: Establish the basic shapes and lighting of your tower early on, setting a solid foundation for intricate detailing.Progressive Skill Enhancement: From beginner-friendly methods to advanced professional techniques, elevate your modelling skills strategically throughout the course. Learn to create simple yet enchanting elements like doors and walls, advancing to more complex structures like winding staircases and ornate lamps.Mastering Geometry Nodes: Leverage the included pack of unique geometry nodes to add captivating architectural details and magical elements to your tower.Shader and Texture Wizardry: Explore the art of shader development to bring to life the textures that cloak your tower in mystery and enchantment.Sculpting Magical Landscapes: Learn the straightforward techniques for sculpting terrains that surround your tower, enhancing the fantastical setting.Weight Painting for Natural Elements: Discover how to use weight painting to create lush, realistic grass around the tower’s grounds.Vertex Painting for Detailed Terrains: Get hands-on with vertex painting to add depth and realism to the landscapes that form the base of your wizardly abode.Compositing to Animate the Scene: Delve into compositing within Blender to breathe life into your scenes, ensuring they tell a story of mystic allure and ancient power.Complete Scene Development: From conceptualization to final render, develop a full scene that encapsulates the spirit of a magical training ground for wizards.Key features of 'Blender 4: Modeling and Geometry Node Workshop':Enchanting Wizard Tower Creation: Construct a tower that pierces the sky with its tall spires and magical doors, surrounded by a mystical pond and a stone bridge that invites the curious to explore further.Extensive Resource Pack: Gain access to a diverse set of resources, including bespoke geometry nodes, shaders, and texture maps. Learn how to seamlessly integrate these tools into your magical creations.Structured Learning Path: Follow a curated path that guides you from the basics of 3D modelling to intricate professional techniques, ensuring a learning curve that meets all skill levels.Innovative Techniques for Realism and Fantasy: Master advanced camera setups, lighting strategies, and compositing techniques to enhance the atmospheric effects and storytelling impact of your scenes.Interactive and Practical Exercises: Engage with hands-on exercises that encourage you to apply what you’ve learned in practical settings, boosting your confidence and competence.Step-by-Step Guide to Building a Wizard’s TowerWith its quaint, multi-turreted towers, warm glowing windows, and whimsical winding staircases, this course is designed to unlock the secrets of creating structures that look like they've been plucked right out of a storybook.1. Introduction to Blender 4 and the Course· Overview of Blender’s interface and the course objectives.· Understanding the project: The Wizard's Tower.Imagine a floating island, where lush greenery bursts into life, framing a serene pond that reflects the clear blue sky.2. Modelling the Basics· Greyboxing the tower and surrounding elements.· Establishing initial lighting and ambience.A place where flowers bloom in joyful splashes of colour, and cobblestone paths invite you to wander through an otherworldly retreat suspended in the sky.3. Advanced Modeling Techniques· Creating detailed architectural features like staircases and ornate lamps.· Techniques for functional and aesthetic windows and doors.4. Advanced Geometry Node Techniques5. Utilizing custom nodes for architectural details.6. Dynamic creation of environmental elements like rocks and meadows.7. Shader and Texture Development· Developing shaders for various materials like water, stone, and wood.· Texture painting for enhanced realism and detail.8. Sculpting and Terrain· Techniques for creating realistic terrains and landscapes.· Vertex and weight painting for natural-looking flora.9. Environmental Storytelling· Integrating elements that tell a story through architecture.· Designing with narrative in mind to engage viewers.10. Compositing and Scene Finalization· Using Blender's compositor to add finishing touches.· Rendering settings for optimal output.Your 'Blender 4: Modeling and Geometry Node Workshop' wizard's tower scene will include:A Grandiose Tower: Dominating the landscape, this tower features interactive doors adorned with mystical symbols and houses a collection of ancient books and artefacts. The structure is defined by tall, elegant spires that capture the essence of both day and night scenes through dynamic lighting setups. Ornate roofs add a regal touch, while steep staircases spiral up the exterior, leading to various chambers and lookouts.Arched Stone Bridge: A robust arched bridge gracefully spans the tranquil pond below, crafted with ancient runes that emit a subtle glow under the moonlight. This bridge not only serves as a practical passage but also as a mystical gateway, enhancing the enchanting atmosphere of the scene.Serene Pond with Water Features: The pond, a reflective canvas for the tower’s majesty, is adorned with lily pads and assorted aquatic plants. A specially designed water shader creates realistic ripples and reflections, contributing to the serene and mysterious ambience of the setting.Cobblestone Pathways and Fenced Walkways: Navigate through the scene via an amazing cobblestone walkway that winds through the landscape, flanked by a quaint fence. This path not only enhances the medieval fantasy aesthetic but also guides the viewer's eye through the scene, inviting further exploration.Lush Terrain with Stylized Flora: Surrounding the tower and bridge, the terrain is peppered with strategically placed rocks and a variety of trees, creating a natural, rugged look. The ground is covered in beautiful stylized grass and vibrant flowers, each blade and petal artistically crafted to add colour and life to the wizard’s secret haven.Resource packUnlock the full potential of your 3D projects with our comprehensive resource pack, included free with the 'Blender 4: Modeling and Geometry Node Workshop'. This pack features 14 diverse shaders, 10 unique tree models, extensive meadow and water packs, various types of foliage, a human reference, and 8 valuable geometry nodes for creating everything from stylized rocks to intricate cobblestone paths.Summing it all upWith our step-by-step instructions, you'll learn how to:· Model stylized medieval architecture with its distinctive half-timbered structures.· Create vibrant ecosystems of flora that breathe life into your scene.· Design lighting that casts an ethereal glow, turning your model into a beacon of warmth.· Apply textures and materials that give a touch of realism to your fantastical creation.This meticulously designed scene in 'Blender 4: Modeling and Geometry Node Workshop' not only teaches you the technical skills needed for advanced 3D modelling but also immerses you in the art of creating a fantasy environment that tells a story of mystery and magic.'Blender 4: Modeling and Geometry Node Workshop' isn’t just about mastering 3D modelling techniques; it’s a portal into the world of fantasy architecture and storytelling. Step into the shoes of a wizard architect, and bring to life a structure that’s not only visually stunning but also rich in magical lore.Prepare to cast spells with your cursor and weave enchantment with your creativity!Until our next magical encounter, happy modelling everyone,Neil – 3D Tudor

Who this course is for:
• Aspiring Fantasy Architects: Dreamers with a passion for fantasy and mystical settings, keen on mastering the art of 3D modelling and environment creation within a fantastical context using Blender 4.
• 3D Modelers and Visual Artists: Experienced artists and beginners who are looking to refine their skills in modelling, texture mapping, and environmental storytelling, especially within the fantasy genre.
• Game Designers and Developers: Game industry professionals and indie developers interested in creating detailed, immersive fantasy environments for games using geometry node-based modelling and procedural texturing.
• Animation and VFX Professionals: Animators and visual effects artists who want to incorporate advanced 3D modelling and scene-building techniques into their workflows.
• Educators and Academic Professionals: Instructors and professors who teach 3D modelling, game design, or digital art, looking for in-depth material on using Blender 4’s latest tools.
• DIY Enthusiasts and Hobbyists: Hobbyists and DIY creators who enjoy building and visualizing magical worlds as a pastime.
