通过认证培训师 Thavius Beck 的这门综合课程,亲身体验 Ableton Live 12!课程长达三个多小时,是迄今为止最先进版本 Live 的全面指导。让我们一起来学习

Ableton Live 12 引入了令人兴奋的新功能,增强了其作为数字音频工作站(DAW)的威力。在这次重大更新中,Ableton Live 引入了全新的浏览器、新设备、音阶感知模式等。现在是学习这款强大 DAW 的最佳时机。在这门包含 30 个教程的综合课程中,Ableton 认证培训师 Thavius Beck 为各种技能水平的用户提供了实用的学习体验。无论您是音乐制作新手、从其他 DAW 过渡而来,还是已经是 Ableton Live 用户,本课程都将为您提供学习这一令人惊叹的 DAW 的绝佳途径。

Thavius 从基础开始,包括设置首选项、浏览更新的浏览器和熟悉会话视图。然后学习翘曲和切片音频处理技术,了解如何使用 Live 的 Drum Rack 制作节拍。Thavius 还进一步探讨了生成节奏、样本交换和有效使用 Groove Pool 等主题。他还介绍了音阶意识和堆栈生成器,让你轻松制作旋律和和弦进行。

了解 Live 的所有工具,包括变换工具琶音功能和用于自动化的剪辑包络线。Thavius 还讨论了 MIDI 复调表达 (MPE) 支持、音频插入效果,以及音轨分组、宏旋钮和 MIDI 映射等实用技能。课程还包括其他方面,如用场景组织音轨、掌握跟随动作和使用 Live 的 Crossfader,以及重采样、录音、自动化、项目导出等技术。

本课程简单明了,是充分利用 Ableton Live 12 的指南。准备好通过最好的 Live 12 指南来提高你的音乐制作技能并熟悉 Live 的功能吧。请关注我们即将推出的 Live 12 课程!

30 个视频
3 小时 11 分钟
Ask Video Ableton Live 12 101 Live 12 Absolute Beginners Guide TUTORiAL | 12 Mar 2024 | 984.5MB
Get hands-on with Ableton Live 12 with this comprehensive course by certified trainer Thavius Beck! Spanning over three hours, it's the full guide to the ins and outs of the most advanced version of Live yet. Let's learn!

Ableton Live 12 introduces exciting new features, enhancing its power as a digital audio workstation (DAW). With this major update, Ableton Live introduces a fresh new browser, new devices, a scale awareness mode, and more. There has never been a better time to learn this powerful DAW. In this comprehensive 30-tutorial course, Ableton Certified trainer Thavius Beck offers a practical learning experience for users of all skill levels. Whether you're new to music production, transitioning from another DAW, or already an Ableton Live user, this course offers an excellent pathway for learning this amazing DAW.

Thavius starts with the basics, covering setting up preferences, navigating the updated browser, and getting familiar with Session View. You then learn warping and slicing audio manipulation techniques, and you discover how to make beats using Live's Drum Rack. Thavius further explores topics like generative rhythms, sample swapping, and effective use of the Groove Pool. He introduces Scale Awareness and the Stacks Generator to easily craft melodies and chord progressions.

Learn all about Live's tools, including the Transform tools Arpeggiate function and Clip Envelopes for automation. Thavius discusses MIDI Polyphonic Expression (MPE) support, audio insert effects, and practical skills like track grouping, Macro Knobs, and MIDI mapping. The course also covers additional aspects such as organizing tracks with Scenes, mastering Follow Action, and using Live's Crossfader, along with techniques like resampling, recording, automation, project exporting, and a lot more..

This course is a straightforward, no-frills guide to making the most of Ableton Live 12. Get ready to boost your music production skills and get comfortable with Live's features with the best Live 12 guide out there. Keep an eye out for our forthcoming Live 12 courses as well!

30 Videos
3h 11m

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